People Doing Business Together Discussing Video Marketing Strategy
How does the public perceive your business?  Are you the face of your company?  Or is your business just a name and slick logo?  If your answer was the latter, then what separates you from the competition?  Couldn’t anyone put together a business with a name and logo, maybe even a slick website and some business cards?  And sure, maybe you do have a good reputation and get plenty of business from referrals.  But what happens when you need new customers? Think of it from the consumer’s point of view.  When they’re in the market for any type of product or service, most consumers will consider a few options rather than picking the first one they see.  What’s going to make them choose you?
This is where having a face to your company really stands out.  Most companies just aren’t doing this and end up all looking the same.  By putting a face to your company, you just became 100% more personable and relatable to the consumer.  Your customer now has a personal connection with you and your company.
Video has the power to introduce your potential customers to YOU.  Video is a major part of some of the most powerful customer acquisition strategies available in business marketing today.  Outside of meeting your target audience in person, video is without a doubt the best way for your customers to get to know you. And the best part is, with video, you can be in millions of places at once.  By introducing yourself to the market with video, people are able to genuinely get to know you and make a decision on whether or not you’re someone they want to work with or support.  If you are…then you just hit the jackpot!
PEOPLE DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE (especially ones they like!).  If you can keep that in mind in all your marketing efforts, your business will see drastic changes.
You’ll notice more business pouring in as you separate yourself from other companies that are still hiding behind a logo.  In turn, you’ll build more relationships with customers and potential customers that’ll turn into more word of mouth referrals.  By introducing yourself and your business to the market, they now know you.  They now know what you do and they know where to go when they need your product or service.  They’ve found someone they trust, someone they know by name.  When their friends and family need your product or service, they’ll think about that video they saw that instilled these emotions in them.  These referrals will search you out, as most consumers do, and they will as well be introduced to you through video.  That one video you made 2 years ago could still be working for you today!  It could still be bringing you consistent business for years to come.  Talk about a return on investment!!
So how do you do it?  Well, it could be the job of just one video or it could be done with consistent video creation shared to your social media regularly.  A good video to start with is one we like to call “The Video Business Card”.  This is a video that is meant to introduce you to the market.  It puts a face to your company and evokes emotion in the consumer.  It shows exactly what you offer and gives the consumer a chance to make a decision on whether or not they want to work with you.  Chances are they will if you’re the only one in your market that has one.  If you’re the only human that people find when they search for your product or service. This video should sit on the home page of your website, it should be re-shared on your Facebook page once a quarter, it should pop up in a google search every time some in your town looks up your profession.  Now yes, you do want this video to represent you in the best light.
That’s where we come into play. We can craft a Video Business Card for you that makes you look like the expert in your field (or shows them you’re the expert rather!).  This is honestly the easy part.  The hard part is making the decision to do it.  Once you do, you’ll be miles ahead of the competition.